Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the First International Scientific and Practical Conference "Chinese Language: Topical Issues of the Chinese linguistics and Translation Studies, Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese", which will be held on April 18, 2019 at MGIMO University.
The purpose of the conference: sharing of the results of scientific work, teaching and research experience; strengthening international cooperation in the field of science and education, the expansion of scientific and public relations between leading universities and research institutions, which deal with the Chinese studies and pedagogy of teaching.
Suggested Topics:
1. Chinese linguistics.
2. Translation studies: history and current trends, problems of theory, practice and learning.
3. Topical areas of Chinese literature research.
4. Cross-cultural communication.
5. Pedagogy of teaching Eastern languages: scientific traditionalism and innovativeness in the process of learning Chinese; Chinese textbook of a new generation; The Unified State Exam in Chinese and The all-Russian Olympiad for school students in Chinese as a new format for monitoring the level of formation of the foreign language communicative competence of students.
The working languages of the conference are Russian, Chinese, English.
Possible forms of participation in the conference: full-time / in absentia, with the publication of the collection of the conference proceedings on the results of the conference.
The bibliographic description of the collection of the conference proceedings will be posted in the Scientific Electronic Library at: (Russian Science Citation Index)
Conference Organizing Committee:
Chairman of the organizing committee
Head of the Department of Chinese, Vietnamese, Laotian and Thai languages, Professor, Doctor of Philology Aleksakhin Aleksey N.
The members of the organizing committee:
Maslovets O.A., PhD in Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor;
Dondokova M.Y., PhD in Philological sciences, Associate Professor;
Hamaeva E.A., PhD in Philological sciences; Associate Professor;
Kruglov V.V., lecturer.
To participate in the conference, it is necessary to register. Please use the link below:
An application (application form - see Appendix 1) and materials of the report (article) (see Appendix 2) can also be sent to the email address of the organizing committee: until March 20, 2019
The application (Lastname_Application.doc) and the article for publication (Lastname_Article.doc), must be sent with two attachments. In the field “Subject line” you should write: “Conference_Last name”. When sending the application and materials make sure they are received.
Contact Email address and phone number for more information (In the field “Subject line” you should write: “CONFERENCE”):
+7 916 727 52 11 Kruglov Vladislav Vladislavovich
1. Works should be submitted for participation in the competition in electronic form until February 28 to the specified e-mail.
2. Works submitted for publication in the conference collection of essays must meet the following requirements:
· from 2 to 8 pages of A4 format (210x297mm), portrait orientation;
· the text should be typed in WinWord 7.0 or 8.0;
· formulas, graphs and tables should be written using standard WinWord tools;
· font “Times New Roman” size - 14;
· margins: upper and lower - 20 mm, left, right - 20 mm;
· paragraph indent - 12.5 mm;
· line spacing - single;
· for hieroglyphs, use only one font throughout the text. Recommended fonts: SimSun.
· the author's full name, title, abstract, keywords should be also written in English. The font size of the abstract and keywords - as in the main text.
3. Materials must include:
• text of the article (Appendix 1);
• list of sources, compiled in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 (Appendix 1);
• application for participation.
Appendix 1& Appendix 2 download here: